Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Shell Scripting

It's been a while since my last post. The reason for this is that I got a job! Wohoo! So for the past two months there has been a great deal of new things to wrap my head around and thus I have not had the same amount of spare time and energy to continue with the Rosalind problems at the same pace as earlier. However, I do plan to continue my bioinformatics education and will continue to write about it here.

One thing that I want to become better at is bash scripting and I feel that this would be very useful in the role I'm in as well. So I did a bit of research and found the "Advanced bash scripting guide", a very in-depth book/tutorial on shell scripting. I have worked through tree chapters and so far there has been a lot of useful information.

That's it for now!