Thursday 21 July 2016

Partial Permutations

We are back with the permutations once again. This time we are set the task to find the number of partial permutations that can be formed from a set of numbers. We are given two integers, n and k, where the range of 1 to n is the set of numbers and k is the length of the partial mutations and should return the number of partial mutations modulo 1 000 000.

Sample data:
21 7

Expected output:

I wrote two programs that solve this problem. The first uses the math module permutations to find all possible permutations and count them. You can have a look at the code below. However, this program is inefficient which is why I chose to write a second, faster program.

Slow approach:

import itertools
n = 21
k = 7
count = 0
for p in itertools.permutations(range(1, n + 1), k):
    count += 1
print(count % 1000000)

Faster approach:

n = 21
k = 7
partial_perm = 1
for i in range(k):
    partial_perm *= (n - i)
print(partial_perm % 1000000)

Both of the programs work and complete the problem within the time limits of Rosalind, but the second program is much faster than the first one. 

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